A faction ruled by a council of leaders known as the Unbound. The Emancipated Star Realms are each ruled individually by their own planetary leadership but the Unbound hold their steady union together along with the fear of their common enemy, the Woven Expanse.


After the Immortal King died, his Immortal Star Realms split into two factions, one of them being the Emancipated Star Realms or ESR. After the death of Ardemis, one of the King's heirs, a power vacuum lead to the establishment of the Unbound. The Unbound, also known as the Council of the Emancipated Star Realms, is a group of leaders that joined forces to guide the E.S.R. through these turbulent times. After the Woven Expanse's new ruler claimed heirship to the Immortal Star Realms, the Unbound rallied the free peoples of the ESR and ended the encroachment by Woven forces.


The E.S.R. (Emancipated Star Realms) forces are led by the Unbound, a group of Colony Leaders, Warlords, Planetary Chancellors and other elected officials throughout the sector. The rest of the forces are made up of a diverse group of ragtag fighters, warbands and militias across the E.S.R. Most have equipped their ships with extra armor, shields, and weapons to join in the battle. When a Woven Expanse ship encroaches, every E.S.R. ship in the area rushes to fend them off.



Culturally the E.S.R. are very eclectic. Each colonized planet has its own ruling parties, some that were elected by its citizens others owned by warlords or even planetary chancellors. Some systems have pirates, that openly trade with the militias and E.S.R. military. The cultures of each of the planets, stations and outposts are very diverse. Some of the cultures revolve around class systems and others around community. Some cultures revolve around the family or tribe while others revolve around financial endeavors. Styles and designs vary drastically from system to system but a heavy blending of each of the cultures can be seen in the Unbound council chambers.

Star Realms

The E.S.R. rule over four Star Realms of the old empire that was including most of the outer realms of Storm Hollow, Lonely Hope and Quickshot but also holding strong to one of the outer star realms known as Last Refuge.

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